Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Game Review

One of the great gifts I got from Hubby this holiday season was a game called Laser Khet 2.0.  I had never heard of it before, but Hubby found it online.  It was a Toy of the Year finalist from Mensa Select.  It has also won a number of other awards.  Best of all, it's FUN!

This is a 2 person strategy game that is similar to chess.  Each player gets an army of pieces that are symbols from Ancient Egypt - Pharaoh, Pyramid, Anubis, Scarab, Sphinx.  What sets this game apart from chess is that the Sphinx has a laser light in it which is activated by pushing down the head.  The Pyramids and Scarabs have mirrors that reflect the laser.  The goal is to "kill" by laser your opponent's Pharaoh.  Players can also remove some of each other's pieces from the board by hitting them with the laser as well.

All of the pieces, except the laser Sphinx, can move 1 square in any direction at a time.  A turn consists of making 1 move (either moving a piece or turning it 90 degrees), and then firing the laser.  One of the challenges is to not hit your own pieces, which is easy to do if you're not paying attention to where your laser is going to it.  One turn of a mirrored Pyramid can mean victory or death!  Of course, the other big challenge is to protect your own Pharaoh while trying to get the other one!  It is easy to get too focused on offense and forget to play defense.  (Gosh, I wonder if some football teams have that problem?)

Unlike chess which has a standard starting set up, this game can be started from several different layouts.  The instructions provide 3 starting options, but you can also set up your own.  We tried that, and it wasn't a good thing - I would NOT recommend it for beginners!

There is an expansion pack as well which has pieces called Eye of Horus.  These pieces split the laser beam in half, reflecting half and allowing the other half to pass through - giving you 2 lasers in one.  As challenging as the basic game is, I can't even imagine trying to keep track of the paths of 2 lasers!

Anyway, I highly recommend this game to anyone who likes strategy games. It is easy to learn, and it seems to play faster than chess.



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