Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Odyssey Continues - It's a Learning Process

Hello Friends,

In my last entry I talked about how excited I was going to be to get my 4th -5lb star.  Well, I am still waiting!  OMG!  I had Janet (my WW Leader) weigh me twice on Wednesday, and I was still .2 away from -20.  "Are you kidding me,"  I declared!!!  I told her I'd been working extra hard since Saturday's weigh in to be SURE I was at or beyond -20.  I said I hadn't even been eating my daily points.  She said, "WHAT?"  She then told me that I HAVE to eat my daily points if I want to keep losing steadily.  How can that be, I asked. She said, "trust me on this.  If you want to keep losing you HAVE to eat your daily points!"  She told me I don't have to eat my extra 49 weekly pts.


The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.  The point total is calculated for my size to insure a steady 2lb/wk loss.  If I eat less than that, I can be sending my body into a starvation mindset where it holds on to fat because it thinks it's in danger of starvation.  It's not even that I was eating all that much less in total quantity, but I was consciously eating more 0 point foods - fruits and veggies. For example,  Instead of something worth more points, I had a big salad with only 4 pts of dressing, a dish of fruit at lunch instead of a 4 pt yogurt container, or slices of zuchini as an after school snack instead of a 2 pt cheese stick.

Ok, so I promised Janet that I would TRY to eat my daily points.  I've been doing so since Wed's meeting, and guess what?  Today I saw my first glimpse of -23 !!!! I swear it's magic!

Today I bought a food scale.  That will help keep me from having to estimate on things like deli turkey.   And so the learning process continues....

Stay tuned and thanks for reading!


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