Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Alfred Hitchcock Mocks Me

Do you remember seeing The Birds in the 60s?  I do - vividly.  It is about the only movie I've ever watched that really gave me nightmares.  I would lie awake in my childhood bedroom convinced that there was a huge bird on the top of my dresser staring down at me and waiting for me to go to sleep so it could swoop down and peck my eyes out!  More than once I ran crying to my parents' bedside seeking relief from the nasty ravens.

Fast-forward to 2012.  I am a rational adult who actually enjoys birds of all sorts.  I photograph them at the feeders, I blog about them, I regale my friends with stories of the varied varieties we get in our yard.  My childhood fear of eye-pecking harpies is gone, right?  Of course it is...

Enter... the beast from hell:

In this photo, that is our house - our OLD house.  Visible now from the NEW house.  So there we were, Hubs and I, eating our brunch on our new porch on Sunday, when I glanced over at the old house... What's that on the roof, I asked?  Is that a squirrel?  No, it's too big - maybe it's a raccoon...  I'll get the binoculars... O M G  that's a BIRD!!!  What's it doing?  It's EATING something!!!  O M G a huge predatory bird is eating fresh carrion on our roof!!!  Can you say EEEEWWWWWWWW !!!!

Just imagine - if we hadn't bought a house within sight of our house, we wouldn't know what goes on there.  We could have been there - IN the house - with a vulture eating dead stuff on our roof - and we never would have known!  Ok, so now what's going on HERE when we are here and can't see it???  Oh my, the mind boggles...  


As I sit here gazing at the cute birds on my kitchen curtains.....  

1 comment:

  1. This joke will unboggle you:

    Two vultures walk up to the check-in counter at the airport, each holding a dead raccoon. The attendant asks if they would like to check them. They reply, "No thanks. They're carrion."
