Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Odyssey Continues - Updates and Progress

Hello Hello Hello!

At Wednesday's WW meeting, I was able to log -30# and get my 6th 5# sticker for my little book.  WHEEE!!! I was positively giddy, and when I got to brag to the group, I got all emotional and started crying - Whew!  I told them this fun update story:  Last weekend I did something I've NEVER done in my life - I bought smaller underwear!  Everyone cheered for me!!!  :)

Last Sunday, I saw my first glimpse of -32# during my naked morning weigh-in.  I saw the same number again on Monday, so I was really psyched!  The rest of the week has settled in at -31, but I'm ok with that for now.

I also WOWed my GYN doc this week.  He walked in the exam room, and the first words out of his mouth were, "You've lost 30 pounds!" We got to have a nice chat about that, and he was proud of me instead of telling me yet again that I needed to lose weight!

On Thursday afternoon at the English Dept meeting, one of my colleagues told me that I'm looking "positively svelt".  Wow!  I have never heard that word connected to me in the same sentence EVER!
Today, I got my hair cut.  My stylist has a full-length mirror standing on the floor in front of the chair, so I usually have to sit there getting all depressed and disgusted as I look at my fat-self in that mirror for an hour - which usually leads me to just close my eyes.  Today, when I looked in that mirror, I was pleasantly surprised by how much thinner my face and neck looked.  I could actually TELL a difference!  I was sooooo excited and I told her! "Hey look! My neck is thinner!"  She agreed!

I have gotten several compliments from other colleagues since going back from break.  I am making a conscious effort to wear clothes that are slenderizing rather than bulky clothes that hide me.

All of this positive feedback is SOOOO motivational!  I also realized something yesterday.  For most of my life, I've had a very negative self-image about my body, and that has hung over my head.  I've always felt bad about my body and the fact that I just kept getting bigger and bigger and was seldom successful at any weight-loss attempts.  Regardless of accomplishments in other areas of my life, this body thing made me feel like a failure, and I felt people looked at me as someone with no will-power or self-control.  Now that has totally changed.  I feel successful and proud of my accomplishments.  This has improved my mood, and now I feel like I'm carrying myself differently - with self-confidence, and with a smile on my face.  I can remember that for years my kids would write negative comments on my year-end evaluation forms - they would tell me I was always grumpy, never smiled, etc...  I think they were right, and I think that has changed in the last 4 months!  Now I look at each new day as another chance to continue my successful odyssey.  I also think I was often grumpy because I was usually in pain and was tired because I didn't sleep well.  My bad knees affected my life for 9 years.

I have been reading a lot of "stuff" lately about weight-loss strategies, and I keep seeing a repeated theme - that weight loss is mostly about eating right and much less about exercising.  This is a concept that I've believed about myself intuitively, but it is nice to see it in print from "experts".  I'm not saying that healthful movement isn't necessary, because it is, but that's not what drives weight-loss.

One of my new focuses is avoiding C.R.A.P.   Chemicals - Refined flour and sugar - Artificial stuff - Preservatives.  I'm also going to make an effort to reduce gluten (grains like wheat - flour).  So, that's pasta, bread, etc...  which obviously is also highly processed.  I am now into reading labels more than ever before and also shopping the perimeter of the store.  (With the exception of Progresso Light soups which are worth it.)

Ok, that's it for today's update.  Thanks for visiting and reading, and come back again soon!


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