Thursday, July 25, 2013

Movie Review - Moonrise Kingdom

Today's movie review is very unusual.  It involves a movie I didn't even bother to finish!

I had heard good things about Moonrise Kingdom (2012) - mainly that it was "quirky", so I put it on my list. I started watching it on Sunday, but I only got about half way through it when I had to stop.  Somehow I never felt any pressing need to keep watching it, and after about 3 days, I just decided to send it back without finishing it.

The movie is quirky, but it is also incredibly slow.  I almost fell asleep during the part I watched.  As you know from some of the movies I've already reviewed, I'm not a big "action" fan, so I'm not opposed to movies that don't have car chases and gun-shootouts.  (After all, I liked Quartet !) However, this movie was painfully slow, and sadly there wasn't enough quirkiness to carry it.  I really wanted to like it!  Obviously, I can't recommend this to my readers.

Stay tuned - I will try to give you some GOOD recommendations in the near future!


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