Tuesday, June 11, 2013

About Ready to Go

I slept fairly well - went to bed at 2 and first woke up around 6, but I managed to go back to sleep until my music came on at 8.  I had very weird school dreams.  In the weirdest one, all the freshmen boys had to drive mini race cars onto the gym floor.  They parked them all in the middle, then they got out and chased each other around and over the cars.  What's up with that?  I'm sure there is some deep psychological significance, but I'm having trouble finding it right now.

I showered... again... used more antiseptic.  I'm sorry - I TRIED to use the whole bottle, but I just couldn't!  Even after washing my whole body twice and my leg about 4 times, I still have some left.  So, if I end up with an infection, let the record show it is my fault because I didn't use the whole bottle!  Ok - that's on me!

I now need to distract myself for another hour so I don't eat anything.

Let me digress for just a minute to say that I got to see the Broadway Touring Company's performance of WICKED at the Ohio Theatre on Sunday night.  O M G !!!  The show was totally amazing!  I've seen it at least twice in NY, but this cast was every bit as good (and better in some ways).  There were several highlights: John Davidson was a real treat as the Wizard.  I didn't know he was in the show when I ordered my tickets, so that was an exciting surprise.  He is just as hot at 71 as he was "back in the day".  Those dimples are winners no matter how old he gets, and he is one of those men who has turned into a "silver fox" with the full head of white hair.  mmmmm  mmmmm mmmm !!!  The next highlight was Kim Zimmer as Madame Morrible.  I wasn't familiar with her from The Guiding Light, but I was very impressed with her - she was very well cast in this part.  Glinda was played by Jenn Gambatese.  I loved the humor she added to the role.  It is hard to imagine anyone topping Kristin Chenowith, but Jenn gave her a run for her money.  By far the biggest highlight was Alison Luff as Elphaba.  Her voice was simply amazing, and "Defying Gravity" blew me away!  I'm pretty sure there were a few script changes along the way, but then I don't really trust my memory 100%, and it has been a few years.  I got things out of this viewing that I didn't remember from before.  This is one of those experiences that I didn't want to end, and I will remember for a long time.

Ok, time to dry my hair and finish getting ready to go.

Talk to you again soon!


P.S.  Please don't forget to feed the fish while I'm gone!

1 comment:

  1. We're eagerly looking forward to your first post-op post!
