Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 8 - PT progress

Day 8 here - 2nd visit by the PT.  On Monday I was measuring a 70 degree bend in Bessie.  Today, he said I was up to 74 on my own pulling, and he got me to about 78 I think.  So he was pleased with that progress.  YES!

He really likes how I am doing my knee squeezes where I wrap the sheet around my foot and pull as hard as I can.  He said that the duration of holding the squeeze each time is more important than the repetitions.  He said that when you do a movement like that, at first your body rebels against it, so it takes it a few seconds to accept this movement and relax and let it happen. I had only been holding it for a 5-count,  so he wants me to do it 10 times for 10 seconds each.  He said 3 times a day was probably enough on that as well.

On Friday he is going to show me some thing to do while I'm standing as well.  He didn't say I needed to be walking more.  I am trying to walk around the house every 30-45 min.

He also talked about the importance of massaging my scar once the staples come out to help avoid scar tissue building up underneath.  He showed me how to do it.  He also recommended Mederma Skin cream to help the scar go away (or Vitamin E Oil).  I will also need to manipulate my knee cap to keep it loose and keep scar tissue from forming around that too.  I never knew about scar-massage before!

That's it for today - I'm excited about the progress in my bend!!!


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